Political Psychology and a Long Term Virus Problem

Bruce T. Dugan
4 min readApr 19, 2020


I recently had a chat with Psychologist Dr. Bart Rossi, Ph.D. about what we could expect after the immediate pandemic recedes.

Doctor Rossi, thanks for taking the time to address this pandemic, which the world hasn’t seen anything like in a century. What do you foresee from a psychology standpoint for America?

“Many U.S. politicians and citizens want to believe the virus crisis will be a relatively short-term event. History and our own past experiences say we recover and move forward. The stock market experts have charts and graphs indicating a sharp recovery. As Americans, we are used to making it All work out. I don’t see it that way.

Psychology of the day tells me something else about the coronavirus, also known as Covid19. People, yes actual people, individuals, are being confronted with a “unique” situation like no other. So comparisons with what we know — based on the past — is not the correct thinking or Political Psychology.

What is needed is to “look” carefully at this moment in time and the Psychology that is relevant. For example: after the Apex (or highest virus levels) are reached, the other side will not be All Clear! Real people will be dealing with a continuing virus even at a lower level and What Will That Actually Mean?

While politicians grapple with how fast to open the economy, let's discuss how that reopening will affect people in general. So what do you see happening in the minds of people post-Covid19?

“Everyone will become even more sensitive to their own well being, extremely concerned for their health and livelihood, and that of their loved ones. As long as there is a “virus factor” in play, the world will be hyper-sensitive. And for reasons that are undeniable and right in front of us, our personality makeup and thinking will be forced to change and adapt in ways never thought of before. Our children will be growing up with a “belief system” extremely sensitive to a hidden danger.”

And what does that tell you?

“A New-New Reality is coming and the dynamics are yet to be understood. Thinking and every day Psychology that has governed our lives for decades is now off the table! What is on the table is a New Reality — — and this Psychology is currently under the radar.

What is coming is not being considered because we are still “thinking” of the short term. Many politicians are identifying with Americans who “believe” this is a short term situation. The view is that this “makes us feel better” now! But this is no answer for a completely different and once in a lifetime threat — something not dealt with for a century.

The view now is that this virus problem will not be resolved until there is a vaccine. Until then it will be with us every day. We need a New Psychology. We need to think about how we get from here to a vaccine — — — a year, 18 months, or more! And that requires a mix of hope and reality. The hope is that we will prevail. The reality is that we will, but everyday life — from social to business, will change.”

How will business routines change?

“Businesses have had to adapt. To survive, they have had to resort to more cyber connections by way of video conferencing. And I think this will continue post-Covid19. Over months businesses have changed the way they interact, forcing staff to evolve into work-at-home remote employment. Those on the frontlines, like doctors, medical staff, emergency services, supply chain workers — those in the food and the essential supplies pipeline — have adopted masks.”

But this new reality has changed families too, yes?

“Absolutely, just look at what has transpired. many have had to adapt to video dinners for things like birthdays and most recently Easter Dinner, normally a time when families reunite.”

That paints a dire image. Is all hope lost?

“Of course not. Hope is a driving factor of the human spirit. It has helped us overcome ever calamity that we as a species have been confronted with, and we’re still here. And I believe that we will overcome this threat too. But, it should be a wakeup call that we don’t have complete control of our environment. The ecosystem we live in has its own agenda, and perhaps, it sees us as a threat and this is its way of fighting back. I think that post Covid19 many will begin to recognize that we can’t simply rape and pillage the Earth as we have done for the last 100 years. At least I hope so. This is our wakeup call. Hopefully, the human race will see it for what it is and adapt accordingly.”

It’s a lot to take in, and I thank you for your insights.

“You’re welcome. Yes, a lot to think about indeed. Be well, and stay safe.

Bart Rossi, Ph.D. is a Diplomate Clinical Psychology, Political Psychologist, 2014 Emmy Award Winner, Currently Political Psychologist for CBS Wink TV in Fort Myers, and contributor to NBC 6 Miami. Publications on a Winning Personality and a Winning Campaign. View his site at https://brossi.us



Bruce T. Dugan
Bruce T. Dugan

Written by Bruce T. Dugan

A career entrepreneur & traveler, he comments on society, travel, and business. https://www.linkedin.com/in/btdugansr

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